
Balenciaga handbag

One of the most expensive and elegant purses that a person can on today is a Balenciaga(replica handbag) handbag. Originating from Spain, Spanish designer Balenciaga began at an early age near the turn of the century. Many of the most famous people in the world were addicted to the Balenciaga style. Famous people such as the Duchess of Windsor, the Queen of Belgium, and even the Queen of Spain all wore Balenciaga creations. Balenciaga is still a very popular purse today.

One unique aspect of the Balenciaga purse is that the leather that is used for the purses is not cowhide but is actually naturally distressed goat leather that gives the bags that unique appearance that most people that own them adore. Other aspects that differentiate that differentiate the Balenciaga purse from others are a unique zipper compartment with a mirror inside.

In today's world, those that where the Balenciaga(replica handbag) name brand are also among the rich and famous. Famous people such as Madonna and Lindsay Lohan purchase and flaunt their Balenciaga purses worldwide. One of the largest trends right now is the Balenciaga motorcycle back and caters to the rich and famous as well . The Italian leather, along with its many signature laces that trail and a detachable shoulder strap, make these purses one of the most sought after designer brands today.

One way to tell if you have an authentic Balenciaga(replica handbag) purse is if it has the silver engraved identification plate and serial number on the purse itself. This may seem a little overboard, but it is part of the Balenciaga lineage for all of its purses to have unique and tailored identification to clearly show its authenticity and value.

Unfortunately, in today's very interconnected world, such venues as online auctions allow copycat creators to make fake Balenciaga purses that also come complete with the silver tag and serial number. The best way to ensure that your purchase is authentic is to make sure that you purchase it from unauthorized Balenciaga(replica handbag) purse dealer either online or at a store near you.

our website:http://www.bagtrends.net Offers luxury replica Hangbags including brand-names like Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci, Balenciaga, MiuMiu, Marc Jacobs, Fendi, Prada.

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Prada purses

Prada(replica Prada) handbags epitomize style and luxury in the designer handbag industry. In existence for almost a century, The House of Prada is a world-wide pioneer in simple, elegant, high-fashion handbags and purses. In 1913 the Prada label was founded by Mario Prada. Prada began by selling shoes, leather handbags, and trunks, and in a short time received widespread recognition with success in Europe and the US, and later opened two boutiques in Milan.

The early, signature Prada suitcase was made from a heavy walrus skin, which was not well suited for air travel, so Prada began to concentrate on fine leather handbags and accessories, incorporating new materials such as crystal, tortoise shell, and wood. Waterproof garments were also sold in US markets. With all of Prada's successes, the company nonetheless began to decline in the 1970s, but a new age in history of Prada(replica Prada) was on the horizon.

Mario Prada's granddaughter, Miuccia Prada, took over the Prada company in 1978. Miuccia had spent five years studying at Teatro Piccolo in Milan, and earned a PhD in political science. Even with this unlikely background, Miuccia had an innate ability to recognize good fashion and she became the steering force in Prada's emergence into the world of haute couture. She began with luxury tote bags and backpacks made from sleek black nylon material. Around this same time Miuccia married Patrizio Bertelli, who assumed the position of business manager, which enabled Miuccia to focus on design and the perfection of the new Prada(replica Prada) look and image. It was her black nylon "Pocone" material handbag that in 1985 became an overnight sensation and launched the new Prada into the spotlight. Although is was well-made and practical, it was also high fashion and came with the high fashion price tag. This launched a whole industry of fashion replicas, which fueled the desire to own an authentic Prada handbag.

Prada is the first name in fashion handbags and has become a worldwide empire. Prada has stores in almost every country in the western world and Prada gets plenty of free advertising from the many celebrities who carry Prada(replica Prada) handbags. The Prada look has certainly evolved and diversified over the years, and Miuccia gets the credit for steering Prada in the right direction and maintained the highest quality. The Wall Street Journal has named Miuccia one of the thirty most powerful women in Europe.

our website:http://www.bagtrends.net Offers luxury replica Hangbags including brand-names like Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci, Balenciaga, MiuMiu, Marc Jacobs, Fendi, Prada.

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Gucci history

Born in 1881, craftsman's son Guccio Gucci founded the House of Gucci(replica Gucci) as a saddlery shop in Florence in 1906. Guccio's first talent was his craftsmanship in leather goods. He started out selling leather bags to horsemen in the 1920’s and progressed to luxury luggage as his clients graduated from equine transportation to horseless carriages. In 1938 Guccio Gucci opened their first retail shop on the Via Condotti in Rome.

In 1947 the immediately recognizable Gucci icon, the leather bag with bamboo handle, is created. During the 1950’s the trademark red striped webbing is introduced, taken from its original form place on a saddle girth. This became an emblem much as the leather moccasin with leather bit.

Guccio Gucci created many of his classics early during the 1950’s; products such as luggage, ties, shoes, and the famous handbags sporting the bamboo handle. After his death in 1953, his family was able to take the enormously successful company to new heights by opening stores in Paris, Beverly Hills, London, Palm Beach, and Tokyo. The 1960’s brought increased fame to the Gucci Empire. Such Hollywood stars as Grace Kelly, Peter Sellers and Audrey Hepburn made the name Gucci synonymous with “chic”. Jackie Kennedy helped by being photographed with the Gucci shoulder bag, which subsequently became known as the “Jackie O”. The company adopts the “GG” logo.

But with the fame and recognition of the brand name came some turmoil. While Gucci(replica Gucci) goods were considered a status symbol of the times, management and inner family seemed to disagree. Brother Maurizio Gucci took an apparently ailing business over from his founding brother, who in turn sold it to an Arab concern in the 80’s.

In the 1990’s, Tom Ford, Gucci’s newest executive head, has brought Gucci(replica Gucci) back to the center of chic, and now commands a varied line of products including leather fashions, perfumes, colognes, cosmetics, shoes (including the moccasin with the distinctive Gucci snaffle-bit), the "Flora" foulard created for Grace Kelly by Rodolfo Gucci, suitcases, watches, jewelry, silk scarves, sports articles, belt clasps (the one with the Guccio Gucci initials, was introduced 1964), ties, and eyeglasses.

our website:http://www.bagtrends.net Offers luxury replica Hangbags including brand-names like Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci, Balenciaga, MiuMiu, Marc Jacobs, Fendi, Prada.

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a bag

A bag(replica Gucci) (also known as a sack) is a non-rigid or semi-rigid container, made of paper, cloth, plastic, leather, or some other flexible material.

A bag is used for packaging and/or carrying items. For the latter a bag may have one or two handles; a shoulder bag has a strap to carry it on the shoulder (the bag is either carried on the side of the shoulder carrying it, or the other side). A rucksack has straps to carry it on the back. There is also be a string bag, with two strings which go over the shoulder and can be used as the fastening as well.

A bag may be closable by a zipper, snap fastener, etc., or simply by folding (e.g. in the case of a paper bag). Sometimes a money bag or travel bag has a lock. Sachets may be fabric bags that are filled with pot pourri and tied off with ribbons.

A bag may or may not be disposable; however, even a disposable bag can often be used many times, not only for economic but also for environmental reasons. On the other hand there may be logistic or hygienic reasons to use a bag only once. For example, a garbage bag is often disposed of with its content. A bag for packaging a disposable product is often disposed of when it is empty.

An empty bag(replica Louis Vuitton) may or may not be very light and foldable to a small size. If it is, this is convenient for carrying it to the place where it is needed, such as a shop, and for storage of empty bags.

Bags vary from small ones, like purses (e.g. as an alternative to putting small objects in pockets of clothing) to large ones for use in traveling like a suitcase.

Cheap disposable paper bags and plastic shopping bags are very common in the retail trade as a convenience for shoppers, and are often supplied by the shop for free or for a small fee. Customers may also take their own shopping bags to the shop.

The word probably has its origins in the Norse word baggi[1]. Although paper had been used for purposes of wrapping and padding in ancient China since the 2nd century BC,[1] the first use of paper bags (for preserving the flavor of tea) in China came during the later Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD).[1]

There are environmental concerns regarding use and disposal of plastic shopping and trash bags. Efforts are being taken to control and reduce their use in some European Union countries, including Ireland and the Netherlands. In some cases the cheap bags are taxed so the customer must pay a fee where they may not have done previously. Sometimes heavy duty reusable plastic and fabric bags are sold, typically costing €0.5 to €1, and these may replace disposable bags entirely. Sometimes free replacements are offered when the bag wears out. A notable exception to this trend is the UK, where disposable plastic bags(replica Chanel) are still freely available and are dominant.

our website:http://www.bagtrends.net Offers luxury replica Hangbags including brand-names like Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci, Balenciaga, MiuMiu, Marc Jacobs, Fendi, Prada.

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Gucci history

Born in 1881, craftsman's son Guccio Gucci founded the House of Gucci as a saddlery shop in Florence in 1906. Guccio's first talent was his craftsmanship in leather goods. He started out selling leather bags to horsemen in the 1920’s and progressed to luxury luggage as his clients graduated from equine transportation to horseless carriages. In 1938 Guccio Gucci opened their first retail shop on the Via Condotti in Rome.

In 1947 the immediately recognizable Gucci icon, the leather bag with bamboo handle, is created. During the 1950’s the trademark red striped webbing is introduced, taken from its original form place on a saddle girth. This became an emblem much as the leather moccasin with leather bit.

Guccio Gucci created many of his classics early during the 1950’s; products such as luggage, ties, shoes, and the famous handbags sporting the bamboo handle. After his death in 1953, his family was able to take the enormously successful company to new heights by opening stores in Paris, Beverly Hills, London, Palm Beach, and Tokyo. The 1960’s brought increased fame to the Gucci Empire. Such Hollywood stars as Grace Kelly, Peter Sellers and Audrey Hepburn made the name Gucci synonymous with “chic”. Jackie Kennedy helped by being photographed with the Gucci shoulder bag, which subsequently became known as the “Jackie O”. The company adopts the “GG” logo.

But with the fame and recognition of the brand name came some turmoil. While Gucci goods were considered a status symbol of the times, management and inner family seemed to disagree. Brother Maurizio Gucci took an apparently ailing business over from his founding brother, who in turn sold it to an Arab concern in the 80’s.

In the 1990’s, Tom Ford, Gucci’s newest executive head, has brought Gucci back to the center of chic, and now commands a varied line of products including leather fashions, perfumes, colognes, cosmetics, shoes (including the moccasin with the distinctive Gucci snaffle-bit), the "Flora" foulard created for Grace Kelly by Rodolfo Gucci, suitcases, watches, jewelry, silk scarves, sports articles, belt clasps (the one with the Guccio Gucci initials, was introduced 1964), ties, and eyeglasses.

our website:http://www.bagtrends.net Offers luxury replica Hangbags including brand-names like Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci, Balenciaga, MiuMiu, Marc Jacobs, Fendi, Prada.

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the history of Chanel

Chanel was founded 1910 by Coco Chanel in Paris, France and is also called the House of Chanel Truly one of the top Parisian fashion houses, Chanel made a name for itself through fine craftmanship and luxury goods. In 1955, Chanel introduced the quilted bag with shoulder strap and the fashion world has never been the same since. Due to such instant popularity, Chanel had trouble filling orders of the new bag referred to as Chanel 2.55. The Luxury Line, marketed in 2006, is one of the most anticipated and sought after bags this year. Much like the other lines of designer handbags, Chanel makes sure that Hollywood stars and popular celebrities carry their bags as a form of free marketing and exposure that truly is priceless. Lots of young women aspire to be like Paris Hilton or Britney Spears and if Chanel can get a star like that to wear their handbags or carry their purses, it's a huge advantage.

our website:http://www.bagtrends.net Offers luxury replica Hangbags including brand-names like Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci, Balenciaga, MiuMiu, Marc Jacobs, Fendi, Prada.

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a beautiful woman need a famous HandBag

Rod Stewart asked what would become of his lover when they stripped her of: '...the handbags and the glad rags that your grandad had to sweat so that she could buy them.' Mrs. Thatcher called hers her 'trusty companion' and the word 'handbagging' was invented to describe her browbeating tactics. Some famous handbags in literature include the bag which contained Jack/ Earnest in Oscar Wilde's play, The Importance of Being Earnest and Anna Karenina's red velvet handbag which she threw onto the railway tracks before throwing herself onto them.

Expensive handbags confer status and certainly have an aura about them. Hundreds of women are on the waiting lists for the infamous Kelly and Birkin bags even though their prices are enormous. A vintage crocodile Hermes Birkin bag with diamond clasps recently sold for over $64,000.00. Women go into debt just so that they can carry a designer bag!
