
How to pickup Triple A quality replica handbags?

Tip 1:- Look closely at the threads and strip. If the stitching on the bag is lopsided, messy or inconsistent in any way, it is likely a lousy replica.

Tip 2:- Check the main material. You can recognize original or fake by the material used, In fact, triple A quality handbags are all "real leather" material, such as cowhide, or lampskin leather, No "artifical leather", NO "man made leather". (
Louis Vuitton handbags)

Tip 3:
- Colors!. Checking on mismatched colors or inconsistency will reveal the low quality replica handbag.

Tip 4:- Handbag label! Check if any misspell, low quality threading label and even label inside handbag. You know what I’m talking about!

Tip 5:- Examine the hardware used by handbag. Check zipper, buttons, buckles. Make sure they are well condition and high-quality materials.

Tip 6:- Bag’s packaging material. If you found the packaging is not showing the high brand of handbag you buy, well you decide.
(Louis Vuitton handbags)

Tip 7:
- Visit fashion handbag’s website before you buy any handbag and look closely at the photos and some website provides comparison between high quality and low quality handbags.

Tip 8:- If purchasing from auction site, Please read the testimonial, or reviews. Ensure that has good history of selling those items.
