
Bottega Veneta

Have you recently added the classy Bottega Veneta handbag or tote in your collection? The time is now to get one of these designer handbags. They are available in select stores and online too. Owned by the luxury Gucci group, the new lines of designer handbags are appreciated by the younger generation of women. The hand woven Intrecciato, is carried by even the most orthodox and traditional fashionistas. This fashion studio has been in the international market since 1966. The family business originated from Venice , Italy . For 41 seasons they have dominated the designer handbags market as virtual leaders in their empire.

It is sturdy with double brass, push lock closure, cell phone pocket, zippers with the original suede lining. It is large enough to carry other things. Last summer the Julie Bottega Veneta totes was on the list of every fashion editor's top list. Its white and braided signature handle was a hit last season. With multiple uses the leather softens, making the bag more useful. At US $ 1350 the designer bag is set to be a collector's useable item every summer.
