The Balenciaga bag was one of the latest “it” bags to hit the celebrity scene and is now considered a classic bag in the fashion scene. Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen have them, Nicole Richie is a fan, Sienna Miller always carries hers and Nicky Hilton has around 20 of these bags. In fact, almost every female celebrity that comes to mind has one.

A Balenciaga bag is stylish, fun, and a perfect bag to use both day and night. The high demand ensures that these carefully-made bags have a long waiting list. So why the appeal? Functional yet stylish, Balenciaga uses naturally distressed goat leather (chèvre), giving these bags the slouchy, unique and ultra chic look that so many covet. The leather is thin and lightweight, yet durable. In fact, no 2 bags are identical. Balenciaga bags come in a wide array of beautiful colors – such as magenta, navy, pewter, bubblegum pink, apple green and sky blue.