
Prada purses

Prada(replica Prada) handbags epitomize style and luxury in the designer handbag industry. In existence for almost a century, The House of Prada is a world-wide pioneer in simple, elegant, high-fashion handbags and purses. In 1913 the Prada label was founded by Mario Prada. Prada began by selling shoes, leather handbags, and trunks, and in a short time received widespread recognition with success in Europe and the US, and later opened two boutiques in Milan.

The early, signature Prada suitcase was made from a heavy walrus skin, which was not well suited for air travel, so Prada began to concentrate on fine leather handbags and accessories, incorporating new materials such as crystal, tortoise shell, and wood. Waterproof garments were also sold in US markets. With all of Prada's successes, the company nonetheless began to decline in the 1970s, but a new age in history of Prada(replica Prada) was on the horizon.

Mario Prada's granddaughter, Miuccia Prada, took over the Prada company in 1978. Miuccia had spent five years studying at Teatro Piccolo in Milan, and earned a PhD in political science. Even with this unlikely background, Miuccia had an innate ability to recognize good fashion and she became the steering force in Prada's emergence into the world of haute couture. She began with luxury tote bags and backpacks made from sleek black nylon material. Around this same time Miuccia married Patrizio Bertelli, who assumed the position of business manager, which enabled Miuccia to focus on design and the perfection of the new Prada(replica Prada) look and image. It was her black nylon "Pocone" material handbag that in 1985 became an overnight sensation and launched the new Prada into the spotlight. Although is was well-made and practical, it was also high fashion and came with the high fashion price tag. This launched a whole industry of fashion replicas, which fueled the desire to own an authentic Prada handbag.

Prada is the first name in fashion handbags and has become a worldwide empire. Prada has stores in almost every country in the western world and Prada gets plenty of free advertising from the many celebrities who carry Prada(replica Prada) handbags. The Prada look has certainly evolved and diversified over the years, and Miuccia gets the credit for steering Prada in the right direction and maintained the highest quality. The Wall Street Journal has named Miuccia one of the thirty most powerful women in Europe.

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